Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy for PoliticalTimes.Info
Welcome to PoliticalTimes.Info, where we dissect, debate, and deliver the latest in U.S. politics. Your privacy is important to us, so let’s walk you through how we handle your data. We’ll keep this as clear as a political stump speech (but with actual substance).
Who We Are
We are PoliticalTimes.Info, your go-to hub for everything political. Our website address is Here, we prioritize transparency—both in politics and in your online experience.
Got something to say? When you leave a comment, we collect the info you share in the comments form, plus your IP address and browser details. Why? Because spam detection is our silent hero.
If you’re rocking a Gravatar profile, your email’s anonymized hash might be sent to their service. That way, your picture can shine next to your thoughts. Gravatar’s privacy policy is available here: Once your comment is approved, it (and your profile pic) will be visible for all to see.
Uploading images? Keep in mind: if your image contains location data (like EXIF GPS), visitors can download and extract that info. For safety’s sake, strip out location data before you share your masterpiece.
Cookies: The Digital Kind, Not the Tasty Ones
- For Commenters:
If you leave a comment, you can opt into saving your name, email, and website in cookies. This is purely for your convenience, so you won’t need to type your details again. These cookies last for a year—less hassle for you! - For Visitors and Logins:
- When you visit our login page, we set a temporary cookie to see if your browser can handle cookies. It’s deleted when you close your browser.
- If you log in, we set cookies to remember your login details for two days (or two weeks if you hit “Remember Me”). Want out? Logging out deletes the cookies.
- Publishing or editing articles? We’ll add a cookie with the post ID of what you worked on. It vanishes after a day.
Embedded Content from Other Websites
We love sharing multimedia, but fair warning: some articles may include embedded content (think videos, images, or external articles). This content behaves as if you visited the external site directly.
These external sites may collect data, use cookies, or monitor how you interact with their content—especially if you’re logged into their platform. Stay informed by checking their privacy policies.
Who We Share Your Data With
- Password Reset Requests:
If you ever request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email. - Spam Protection:
Comments are run through automated spam detection to keep PoliticalTimes.Info troll-free.
How Long We Retain Your Data
- Comments:
Comments (and their metadata) stay forever. This helps us automatically approve follow-ups without delay. - Registered Users:
For those who register, we keep the personal information in your profile indefinitely—unless you delete it yourself. Note: usernames are forever, so choose wisely.
Website administrators also have the power to view and edit your info.
Your Data, Your Rights
If you’ve commented or created an account with us, you can:
- Request an exported file of the personal data we hold about you.
- Ask us to delete your personal data.
Keep in mind: we’re required to retain some data for legal, administrative, or security purposes. Otherwise, we’re happy to accommodate your requests.
Where Your Data Goes
Visitor comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service. That’s the price we pay to keep our platform clean, engaging, and secure.